Friday, 20 December 2013

Filming: Day 1

Day 1: 19/12/13

Our first day of filming was successful although, we did not get much footage, I feel more confident with filming and satisfied with the results of my first attempt. A disadvantage we faced was time. We had a two hour time slot and hair & make up took an hour and a half, leaving us with just thirty minutes to film. I have not yet decided when we will film next however, I will be more prepared for our next shoot. For example, I will make sure allow extra time for hair & make up as it has proven to be very time consuming. 

As for the performance by Amelia- it was brilliant! Amelia's drama skills were really on display in the video for example, her facial expressions truly represented the lyrics and emotions the song is trying to convey. Her hair and make up represented the pop-rock genre through her all black ensemble. Her dramatic make up emphasized some of the emotions such as anger, found in the song. Her long blonde hair and exquisite jewels reinforced her Pop Star status and represented the glamorous image pop artists are know for. 

In terms of cinematography, I kept it very basic. All footage consisted of either a mid shot or close up of the artist. However, I intend have more camera movements during the next shoot as I feel more confident with my camera operating skills. The lighting was bright, convention of pop videos, it also emphasized Amelia's costume and hair & make up.

The videos below are the footage we shot on our first day of filming. The footage has not yet been edited:

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